Updates to Don't Look Down

Hey everybody! It’s been amazing to see how much fun you and your students have had playing our newest game mode: Don’t Look Down. Based on your feedback, we’ve made some exciting updates!

Assignment Support

You can now assign Don’t Look Down as homework! This is perfect for giving students extra time to practice climbing the course while learning at home!


Some of you told us that falling to the bottom was too frustrating, and caused students to give up. Well, you can now enable checkpoints when setting up your game! If a student falls to the bottom, they’ll respawn at their last summit.

Reduced Lag

We’ve reduced the amount of lag that occurs while playing Don’t Look Down. We still have some more work to do here, but generally, things should be much smoother now!

Thanks again for all your support! Hope you enjoy these updates, and remember…don’t look down!