Introducing School Library!

We're excited to welcome educators back for the new school year with something brand new!

The School Library for Gimkit Live gives you a place to discover kits made by educators at your school.


If another teacher at your school mentions that they made a kit, you can check the School Library for it.

Or, if you're new to Gimkit and teachers in your building already use Gimkit, visit the School Library to access their kits!

To get to your school's library, go to your Gimkit Live dashboard and click on School Library in the left panel.

School Library GIF.gif

Once you're in your school's library, you'll see a list of all kits created by teachers at your school, organized by creation date.

If you have any other questions at all, check out our School Library article here or reach out at!

Welcome back to school — have fun sharing and exploring! 🥳 ✨ 📚