Gimkit for Groups

Josh started accepting group subscriptions back in the summer of 2018, keeping track of everything in a spreadsheet.

Since those early days, hundreds of groups have purchased Gimkit subscriptions covering thousands of educators. We love this because more groups means fewer educators are paying for Gimkit out of pocket.

We've tried to keep up with the growing demand using a slightly evolved version of Josh's initial system. We've done an OK job, but not a great one. It's still way too complicated and time-consuming to get a Gimkit group subscription up and running.

That's why we're excited to introduce a brand new and incredibly easy way to purchase group subscriptions. We're calling it Groups (because we're great at naming things!) and it's launching today.

Everything that's annoying about purchasing school EdTech licenses is gone:

Long quote forms asking a million pieces of personal information.

We just need the name of your group so we know who to make the quote out to and your email so we can send over a copy.

Waiting for a quote to arrive in your inbox.

Click "Submit" and get a quote...instantly.

Sales calls.

We're here to help you learn more if you need it, not to try to up-sell you on anything.

Hidden pricing.

We have two prices. That's it. Both are listed on our site. You don't have be a good negotiator to get our best price.

Price increases with more teachers.

Subscribe to our School plan and the price doesn't change - it doesn't matter if 30 teachers are using it or 120.

Everything you need to do with Groups happens online, right away. You can get your quote, access help desk articles and our W-9, upload your PO or pay with a credit card, and begin managing your subscription all in one place.

Groups is the first system we know of where you can purchase for your group with a purchase order without needing to contact us, talk to a person, or have some kind of communication exchange.

Groups has just two levels: Department and School. That's it.

  • Department - Gimkit Pro for 20 teachers for a year - $650

  • School - Gimkit Pro for your entire school - $1,000

Both plans offer huge savings over purchasing individual subscriptions of Gimkit Pro. Again, without any negotiating, hassle, or unnecessary back-and-forth.

A lot of the extra stuff you spend time on when purchasing a site or software license is designed for the benefit of the company you're buying from rather than with the goal of saving you time. In short, we took away all of the stuff that was bogging the process down, leaving only the things we thought would make your life easier.

We mean it when we say we want Gimkit to be paid by schools, not educators. Typically, paying for a school subscription has many barriers. Today, we're getting rid of them.