Seattle-Based Ed Tech Startup Gimkit Debuts Its Own Blockchain-Based Digital Currency, GimCoin (₲).

Seattle, WA., April 1, 2021 — Gimkit today announced the launch of GimCoin(₲), the newest and most exciting digital currency, in a groundbreaking Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Josh Feinsilber, Gimkit's founder, who is also in the process of adding laser eyes to his Twitter profile pic, said, “Dogecoin. You know? And also NFTs. I mean, Robinhood and BitCoin. Gamestop, I mean this is the new wave. The connected generation. It's all happening, right? And I was just like, 'we can't NOT.' You know?”

Built on the famous and intriguing blockchain technology you've read about in all those headlines you skim, GimCoin is now available for purchase, trading, hoarding, and speculating on in massive, massive excess.

This full-scale, integrated digital currency allows Gimkit to more fully explore verticals in the EdTech industry. Innovation. Synchrony. Innovation.

GimCoin is remarkable not only because of its singular foresight into where the world of digital currency is heading, but because no EdTech company has yet endeavored something so bold, daring, and forward-thinking. Gimkit, by launching GimCoin, has once again proven itself as a leader and innovator in its space.

GimCoin is available now in Gimkit Live. Start a game to earn GimCoin and participate in the future of EdTech.
