Trust No One strategy guide

Welcome to the strategy guide for Trust No One.

We’re assuming you already know the basics of how this mode works. Investigations, meetings, abilities, all of that. With that, here’s some strategy tips on both the crewmate and impostor side.


👩‍🚀 Crewmate Tips

Catch fake investigations

Whenever an investigation is run, the person being investigated is alerted with a message on their screen. Investigations also cause a new item to be added to the investigation log on the game host’s screen.

Here’s the catch though: when impostors run fake investigations, an item isn’t always added to the Investigation Log. Currently, when impostors run fake investigations, a new item is only added to the Investigation Log 65% of the time.

When someone investigates you, check the Investigation Log right away! If you don’t see the investigation on the log, you might have just found an impostor!

Suspicious notebooks

Using the Note Look is a great way to gather information from others without wasting and running investigations.

When impostors run fake investigations, the result always shows up clear in their notebook, unless they manually change it.

If you’re looking at someone else’s notes and see they have multiple investigations listed, all in the clear, you might have just found the impostor!


The game host can always call a meeting. However, if the game host didn’t call a meeting, it means a crewmate did as impostors cannot call meetings.

When a meeting is called, ask around to find out who called the meeting. Once you know, you can mark that person as safe!

Public investigations to catch disguises

Impostors can put on a disguise to appear as a crewmate when investigated on. When running a private investigation, there’s no way to identify if the person you investigated might have just been an impostor with a disguise on.

With Public Investigations, there is a way! No matter what, impostors will never appear on The Clear List. If you run a public investigation on someone, get an All Clear message back, but they don’t show up on The Clear List, that person is an impostor!

Run meetings at the very end

Remember, crewmates lose if they aren’t able to vote out all impostors before the game ends. Because of this, it’s usually better to save meetings until the very end.

This way, you’ll have the most amount of evidence come discussion and voting time.


🕵️‍♂️ Impostor Tips

Save your power

While it may be enticing to immediately use your power on Investigation Removers, don’t go for those right away!

It’s a better idea to save your power and purchase multiple Investigation Removers at once, typically towards the later stages of the game.

Saving your power and using multiple Investigation Removers at once will catch crewmates off guard. For most of the game, it will also trick them into a false sense of security.

Keep an eye on the investigation log

Only crewmates have access to the Note Look, the ability that allows them to look at another person’s notebook.

If crewmates start to put suspicions on you, convincing them that you’ve used a Note Look is a great way to earn their trust.

During the game, keep an eye on the investigation log -- you can use information from there to fake people into believing you used a Note Look.

It’s better to be unnoticed than safe

The Clear List is the ultimate safe list. Anybody not on that list could potentially be an impostor.

To that end, it’s better to go unnoticed, not talked about, rather than to prove you are a crewmate. Unless necessary, try not to speak up during meetings. The last thing you want is attention towards you!

Update your notebook

A tip given to crewmates above was that if they look at an impostor’s notebook, all their fake investigations will show with a clear result.

Change a few of those manually to “inconclusive” -- it will help you blend in just a little bit better!

That’s all there is for now! I’m sure there’s lots of other tips and tricks you all will discover along the way. We can’t wait to hear about them.

Have fun and good luck!